  1. The packages and the repository meta-data are digitally signed, so you’ll need to import the key into your apt’s list of trusted keys in order to not get warnings about it.

        curl http://apt.wxwidgets.org/key.asc | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file (or use the “software sources” program under the “system” menu). Replace the “DIST“ text with whatever is appropriate for your system. (See the table below for a list of supported distributions and architectures.)

        # wxWidgets/wxPython repository at apt.wxwidgets.org
    deb http://apt.wxwidgets.org/ DIST-wx main
    deb-src http://apt.wxwidgets.org/ DIST-wx main
    **For example**, if your distro is **Ubuntu Gutsy**, then you would use the following configuration statements:
        # wxWidgets/wxPython repository at apt.wxwidgets.org
    deb http://apt.wxwidgets.org/ gutsy-wx main
    deb-src http://apt.wxwidgets.org/ gutsy-wx main
  3. Run the this command to update your local copy of the package meta-data.

        sudo apt-get update
  4. You can now use your favorite package selection tool to install or upgrade the wxWidgets and wxPython packages. Here’s how to do it with apt-get:

        sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 python-wxtools wx2.8-i18n
  5. The packages libwxgtk2.8-dev and libgtk2.0-dev may need to be installed if a 3rd party application requires wxWidgets when building from source.

        sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 python-wxtools wx2.8-i18n libwxgtk2.8-dev libgtk2.0-dev

    These packages (and their dependencies) will replace earlier versions of wxPython and wxGTK in the same ReleaseSeries that may have been installed previously. There are a few other wx packages as well, but those listed above and their dependencies are the core that are needed for use with wxPython.


Supported Distributions and Architectures

At a terminal, enter “lsb_release -a” to print what version of Ubuntu you have.

There are currently packages in the repository for these Ubuntu releases and architectures:

ReleaseDIST nameArchitecturesPython VersionsLatest wx
Ubuntu 6.06dapperi386, amd642.
Ubuntu 6.10edgyi386, amd642.4,
Ubuntu 7.04feistyi386, amd642.4,
Ubuntu 7.10gutsyi386, amd642.4,
Ubuntu 8.04hardyi386, amd642.4,
Ubuntu 8.10intrepidi386, amd642.4,
Ubuntu 9.04Jauntyi386, amd642.5,
Ubuntu 9.10karmici386, amd642.5,
Ubuntu 10.4lucidi386, amd642.
Ubuntu 10.10mavericki386, amd642.
Ubuntu 11.4nattyi386, amd642.6,
Debian 4.0etchi386, amd642.
Debian 5.0lennyi386, amd642.4,
Debian 6.0squeezei386, amd642.5,